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We have moved

Four new walls! Well, actually some more to be precise. We have (almost fully) moved our studio and office!

Moving places is probably known to all of us. I myself had to go through that more often than I would have wanted to. You would think that “experience” makes it easier…but nope.

Sorting, packing and moving all your personal belongings in addition to office and studio stuff was no easy challenge.

During the summer holidays – when business usually goes quieter for us – we tackled the challenge. We have arrived but we are nowhere near having finished. Well, at least the new high-performance server, technical equipment and any essential photo studio gadgets are already in place.

That means we can already see our first clients, however, we are pointing out that there is still a lot to be done. Pictures are not hanging on the walls yet and there is still something missing here and there.

Nevertheless, we are really glad to have made that step and will now use our time and energy to set ourselves up the way we have imagined. Photos will be provided as soon as we are finished.

We are looking forward to meeting you on our premises soon! Our new address is:

Steffen Oliver Riese Fotografie
Julius-Kelber-Weg 4

90425 Nuremberg, Germany
