Responsible for the content of this website pursuant to Section 6 and Section 7 of the German Teleservices Act (TDG) and Section 6 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (MDStV) is:
Steffen Oliver Riese, Owner
Freelance Photographer
Steffen Oliver Riese Fotografie
Julius-Kelber-Weg 4
90425 Nuremberg, Germany
T: +49 (0)911 - 980 3705
F: +49 (0)911 - 66 40 100
M: +49 (0)176 - 2097 4563
Tax number: DE 245 386 901
Place of jurisdiction: Nuremberg, Germany
Legal form: Einzelunternehmer (Sole Proprietor)
Here, you can find our General Standard Terms and Conditions.
Member of ver.di (press pass, Pressunion), freelens e.V. (Association for Photojounalists) and CPN (Canon Professional Network)
Technical realisation and programming:
Joachim Süß / - WebYourLife! /
Translation and proofreading:
Monika Flaszynski / Conference Interpreter and Transator, M.A., B.A. / Wander Wort /