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Charity and social commitment

Be good, do good

For years we have donated to charitable causes we strongly feel about instead of having advertising campaigns and giving Christmas presents to clients.

It has not been the same amount given to the same organisation every year. We rather take time and make an effort to find new organisations that urgently need our help from our point of view.

Some projects supported in the recent past are listed below. We also offer special conditions to non-profit associations and organisations if we strongly feel about their projects (which is most often the case).

Here is a list of some projects and organisations that we supported in the past few years:

  • VIER-PFOTEN - Stiftung für Tierschutz (Charity organization for protecting animal rights)
  • Sportwagencharity (charity project for sick and disadvantaged childrend)
  • THOMAS SABO Stiftung (charity for kids)
  • Tierheim Nürnberg e.V. (animal shelter)
  • Akankha e.V. (charity for kids)
  • Kinderhilfe Afghanistan (charity for kids)
  • (flooding in the Philippines)
  • Rummelsberger Diakonie (young refugees)
  • Elterninitiative krebskranker Kinder e.V. (charity for kids with cancer)
  • Young talents EHC Nürnberg e.V. (ice hockey sports team for kids - several times)
  • Der Beck Kinderfonds Stiftung (charity for kids)
  • Raubtier- und Exotenasyl e.V. Ansbach (shelter for "retired" wild animals)